Alpha Survivalist


Who am I?

Hi, I’m Danny Major and Alpha Survivalist is my new site which is dedicated to providing good advice and information about how best to prepare for and survive ANY type of unforeseen survival situation.

It’s impossible to escape the fact that life threatening events, be they natural or man-made (or even possibly alien!), are continually happening in the world, and if one of those events should ever threaten your safety and that of your family, you are always going to be your best chance of surviving

I firmly believe that whatever your physical ability or age, when it comes to being prepared for a survival situation nothing should stand in your way. My goal therefore is to provide my visitors with as much knowledge as possible to help them become completely self-reliant and in the best possible position to protect themselves and those they care about most, should they ever need to.

I believe that preparation is, and always will be, the key to survival – and our goal is to help you get prepared.

Zombies Made Me Into A Survivalist…Hell Yeah!

Want to know how and why I’ve become a fully committed survivalist?Tough! I’m going to tell you anyway.

It’s impossible to ignore the countless daily news stories about the life and death situations faced by hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people around the world. The cause of these situations will often vary but they almost always fall within the following categories: Natural disaster, war or conflict, and occasionally, epidemics.

It was after watching the initial reports about the 2010 earthquake in Haiti that I first started to think about how I would have coped if faced with surviving a similar situation and about how many of those people in Haiti would have survived after the quake if they only had an emergency store of just the basics of food and water.

I had always considered myself to be living in a relatively safe locale and certainly never considered myself to be in any danger from a possible natural disaster, in all fairness, where I live does rule out most, if not all of the natural disasters that are responsible for major loss of life, earthquake, flooding, tsunami, hurricanes etc.

However, I still had this nagging feeling – what if?

It wasn’t until after watching a few episodes of ‘The Walking Dead’  that the penny finally dropped, and before you say anything, I didn’t suddenly start panicking that we were going to suffer a sudden pandemic of flesh eating zombies roaming the planet. No, I had suddenly realized that if everything that our society took for granted such as a usable water supply, electricity, stocked shelves in the supermarkets, communication networks, and public transport just to name a few, suddenly ceased to be there at our fingertips, society would very quickly collapse and those who were not prepared for such an eventuality would become, I presumed, the zombies of the show.

It is a widely held belief that the vast majority of people are not prepared for, or ever will be, a doomsday type scenario and would very quickly descend into unruly hordes of looters and scavengers, taking everything and anything they can get their hands on, violently if necessary. In other words people, who have lost everything and have nothing more to lose, will completely lose it!

In this SHTF (Shit Hits the Fan) scenario, I considered preparation to be the key that would help me survive and be in the best position possible to not only protect myself but my friends and family too. So, my mind was made up and my attentions turned to thinking about how I should go about doing this.

The one thing that I quickly realized is that you cannot plan for any single eventuality; you have to be ready for all of them. So, my prepping began in earnest and I became a bonafide survivalist always eager to learn and share new survival skills and techniques!

Once I started to learn more about how to survive (it’s a never ending learning curve by the way) I wanted to help others as  much as possible so I suppose Alpha Survivalist was always going to happen it was just a case of when rather than if.

With that being said I’ll let you get on with checking out the site, hope you enjoy your visit.

All the best,


Please use the contact form if you need to get hold of me. Cheers.

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