Best Survival Lighters [2024] – Selection Guide

Why are Survival Lighters So Important?

Best Survival LighterSurvival lighters are essential! When you have to face the reality of a survival situation you have to ensure you always have the life saving necessities of water, shelter, and food, taken care of; but equally as important is to ensure you also have the ability to make fire.

Whether you are riding out a disaster type scenario at home or stuck out in the wilderness and miles from anywhere, there will always be certain dangers you will face that fire can help nullify.

Of course, the primary purpose of a fire is to provide heat but it also provides a means to sterilize water, sanitize wounds, cook food, keep wild animals away, and provide light.

There are several ways to start a fire and having the knowledge and skill to do so with whatever you have at hand is an invaluable skill to have in a survival situation. Obviously, it is in our best interests to learn as many different ways to start a fire as possible, but until you have mastered some of those fire starting techniques, it would make sense to utilize the easiest, quickest, and most reliable way to start a fire, which is to use a survival lighter.

However, not every lighter is suitable for use as a survival lighter and it would be foolish to put all your faith in one that is neither refillable, windproof, nor to a lesser extent, waterproof or water resistant.

There are literally thousands of different survival lighters from which to choose and to work through them all would take a considerable amount of time, however, we have whittled those numbers down to form the basis of a list using our selection guide and have selected what are, in our opinion, what we believe to be ten of the best survival lighters currently available.

However, before showing you our list of lighters, let’s take a look at what factors we considered when selecting lighters for survival or camping purposes.

Best Survival Lighters – Our Top Choices

Top Choice
Zippo Matte Pocket Lighter
  • Fuel Type: Lighter Fuel
  • Waterproof: No
  • Windproof: Yes
  • Weight: 1.1oz
  • Dimensions: 2" x 1.75" x 0.6"
  • Price: $
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zippo orange matte lighter
Saberlight Sparq Plasma Beam Lighter
  • Fuel Type: Electric
  • Waterproof: Yes
  • Windproof: Yes
  • Weight: 3.04oz
  • Dimensions: 3.5" x 0.75"
  • Price: $
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saberlight sparq lighter
Xikar 9660BK Stratosphere II Lighter
  • Fuel Type: Butane
  • Waterproof: Yes
  • Windproof: Yes
  • Weight: 2.4oz
  • Dimensions: 3" x 1.76" x 0.54"
  • Price: $$
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xikar 9660bk stratosphere ii lighter
Blazer CG-001 Torch Lighter
  • Fuel Type: Butane
  • Waterproof: Yes
  • Windproof: Yes
  • Weight: 1.3oz
  • Dimensions: 2.9" x 1.55" x 0.55"
  • Price: $$$
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blazer cg-001 butane refillable torch lighter
Windmill Classic All Weather Lighter
  • Fuel Type: Butane
  • Waterproof: Yes
  • Windproof: Yes
  • Weight: 1.1oz
  • Dimensions: 2" x 1.75" x 0.6"
  • Price: $$$$
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windmill awl all weather lighter CLASSIC
UST Tekfire Survival Lighter
  • Fuel Type: Electric
  • Waterproof: Yes
  • Windproof: Yes
  • Weight: 1.9oz
  • Dimensions: 3" x 1.5" x 0.8"
  • Price: $
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ust tekfire fuel-free Survival lighter

Factors to Consider When Choosing the Best Survival Lighters

Can you imagine how difficult life was before man learned how to harness and store fire for the first time?

While it is true that they lived the life of eating raw food that they gathered, it is close to impossible to imagine a successful hunting or camping expedition without the use of fire.

The simple lighter that you include in the items which you carry on your outdoor trips determines your warmth, comfort and even safety when you are out there. You will use lighters when outdoors to:

• Keep predators away
• Light fires to keep you warm
• Boil water to sterilize it
• Warm and cook food
• Illuminate your surroundings when it is dark

But with the thousands of lighter brands on the market, how can you pick the one that will serve you best without failing and then throwing you into an emergency in the woods?

Well, here is a list of the qualities that you must look for when selecting the a survival lighter.

1. Why Conventional Lighters may not Handle Survival Situations

Conventional lighters are disposable. They are great when you need to create a fire in the yard or for some other occasional light duty. Unfortunately, they do not work well in a survival setting. Their weakness is that they aren’t durable, and they are not resistant to harsh external conditions such as the wind and water, important specific characteristics which all survival lighters must share.

2. The Material Used to Make Survival Lighters Should Be Superior in Quality

One crucial thing you need to understand about survival situations is that they are never ideal. If you find yourself in such a case, you need to make sure that you have a firelighter which will not break to pieces when you drop it.

Lighters which are made from cheap plastic and other low-quality materials shatter very easily. Most disposable lighters are made out of these cheap plastic materials.

On the other hand, durable and refillable lighters are made from polymers which do not crack easily and can withstand a lot of external trauma.

Another quality material is metal. Metallic lighters can last and serve you for years before you feel the need to replace them. Most people prefer the lighters made from polymers because they are lightweight and when you are in a survival situation, every ounce is crucial.

3. Lighter Should be Refillable

The goal of the people who make disposable lighters is to use the cheapest materials in the manufacturing process. The lighter is then sold at the lowest cost possible, which makes it easy to use and dispose of.

Some people prefer to buy between five and ten disposable lighters for a camping trip. However, the amount spent on such an arrangement is more than what you would spend on one superior quality survival lighter.

The refillable lighter is designed to last for many months; the mechanical parts are assembled with care and made from durable materials. You refill the lighter each time you are going out camping, and it serves you the entire trip’s duration.

In the long run, you will save money on the refillable survival lighter because all you do not have to buy several new ones every month.

4. Lighter Should be Water Resistant

Outdoor life and especially camping and hunting situations are different from indoor living. If you drop a regular lighter in a snow puddle or a pool of water outdoors, getting it to work will be close to impossible after that.

In most cases, the regular lighter will need hours to dry up, and even then, you cannot be entirely sure that it will work again. A survival lighter is made to withstand the harshest weather conditions. You can drop waterproof lighters in a pool of water and use them to light fire immediately after.

5. Lighter Should be Wind Resistant

Another quality to look out for in lighters is wind resistance. Direct flames work like a torch while indirect fires work like a match. The indirect flame can be a total pain, especially when you are operating in a windy area.

When choosing a lighter, you should make sure it has a direct flame, which makes the best windproof lighters. The direct flame will withstand gusts of wind that the regular indirect flame cannot, which will simplify the process of creating fires for you.

6. Lighter Should be Impact Resistance

As stated, survival situations are never ideal. You will probably be surrounded by conditions which can ruin your lighter any time.

Possible conditions which may lead to the lighter getting crushed include dropping it on hard surfaces, or the lighter getting wedged between other camping equipment. You might also slip and fall, breaking the lighter, especially if it is inferior in quality.

These are the conditions which make it very necessary for the lighter to have some level of impact resistance.

7. It Should Use a Convenient Type of Fuel

The viability of your lighter will depend on the type of fuel used to refill it. The type of fuel also determines how convenient it will be for you to refill it and the cost that you will incur in the process.

Some lighters fuels are easier to access than others. However, their functionality may be affected by weather and access to a power grid. Here are some of the most common lighter fuel types:

• Butane Lighters: Butane lighters are great because they are windproof. They burn fast and have a hot flame. They are however less accessible than the regular lighter fluid matches, which can make refilling them a challenge.

• Lighter fluid: These are the most common lighter varieties in the market. You can find them anywhere from the regular convenience store, the gas station, and any other outdoor store. The lighters are, however, not windproof. They will also need to be refueled often, which makes them inconvenient for survival situations.

• Plasma lighters: Most people confuse these lighters for electric ones. Plasma lighters run on batteries that can be recharged and can stand wind and moisture better than most of the other types of lighters.

• Electric or Arc lighters: These are lighters which either run on batteries or can be plugged in for a recharge. These lighters are only convenient in outdoor situations where you have access to a portable power bank or a solar panel. There is a variety of these lighters which are powered by batteries, and they are the most convenient for survival situations. The best thing about these lighters is that they are wind and water resistant.

8. Lighter Should be Hands-Free

While this feature is not necessary to have in a lighter, you will find it very convenient. There are multi-purpose lighters which can handle all the lighting related situations, giving you the freedom to handle other essential tasks. Hands-free survival lighters can also act as a source of heat, which comes in handy in survival situations.

These are some of the qualities that you have to look out for in survival lighters. In a place where there are countless survival lighters in the market, it is crucial to ensure that you select the best lighters which have the best qualities to suit your needs. Take time and read product reviews to get the best brand for your needs.

Best Survival Lighter … in our opinion anyway!

Zippo Matte Pocket Survival Lighter in OrangeZippo Matte Pocket Lighter

When it comes to lighters the brand name Zippo is synonymous with quality and this matte version of its easily recognizable classic design is available in a variety of colors, all of which have a powder coat applied electrostatically onto a brass case.

This Zippo lighter is the only lighter that makes our list that uses lighter fluid for fuel and although it is not waterproof or water resistant a Zippo lighter is so reliable one certainly deserves consideration when looking for the best possible survival lighter.

Made in the USA all Zippo lighters come with a lifetime guarantee.


  • Fuel: Lighter fluid
  • Weight: 2oz
  • Dimensions: Length – 2.25”, Width – 1.5”, Depth – 0.5”
  • Windproof
  • Lifetime Guarantee
  • As well as lighter fluid, replacement flints and wicks will be required.



A survival lighter isn’t just a gimmick. It is an important piece of equipment that will save you time and effort when you need to start a fire quickly.

Of course, you can always start a fire rubbing sticks together, striking a match, or creating a spark with a flint, but a reliable lighter that is both windproof and water resistant is, to put it simply, much easier and a great first choice as a fire starter.

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Best Survival Lighters