BTECH UV-25X4 Review: Top Ham Radio Choice?

As ham radio enthusiasts, we understand the value of a compact yet powerful transceiver that easily fits into our active on-the-go lifestyle. So, when we got our hands on the BTECH UV-25X4 (Gen 2), we were excited to see how this tri-band mobile radio stacked up in real-world use. Right off the bat, its small … Read more

Root Cellar – An Essential Guide to Natural Food Preservation

Root Cellar Header

As we look to traditions of the past for sustainable living practices, the relevance of the root cellar resurfaces. These underground food storage systems offer a natural and cost-effective solution for preserving a variety of food items. Root cellars utilize the earth’s stable temperatures and natural humidity to keep produce fresh. As we navigate the … Read more

Best Ways to Secure Doors and Windows and Thwart Looters Effectively

Best Ways to Secure Doors and Windows and Thwart Looters Effectively

Enhancing the security of doors and windows is paramount for deterring potential looters. Our safety often hinges on how well we can fortify these access points since they are commonly targeted entryways during break-ins. Implementing effective security measures goes beyond basic locks. It involves a comprehensive approach that combines physical reinforcements with deterrents. We understand … Read more

Prepping for an Emergency – Why is it so Important?

Prepping for an Emergency - Why is it so Important?

Why You Need to Start Emergency Prepping Now Emergency prepping is a topic that is often overlooked until it’s too late. Disasters can strike at any moment, and being prepared can make all the difference in the world. In this article, we will explore the importance of emergency prepping and why you need to start … Read more

Long Term Food Storage: What Foods are Best?

What Foods to Store for Long Term Survival

What Foods are Best for Long Term Food Storage: Essential Stockpiling Tips When considering long term food storage, one of the most critical aspects is ensuring that we have a reliable stockpile of food. The goal is to maintain a sufficient supply of nutrients and calories to sustain us through potentially challenging times, whether due … Read more

How to Make Char Cloth

How to make char cloth

This basic guide on how to make char cloth will show you how to easily make the best tinder for starting fires by yourself. No expense. Easy DIY Char cloth.

Survivalism: A Modern Day Religion?


Survivalism is much more accepted today as people become much more aware of potential threats. It now makes more sense than ever to prepare to survive.