Fire Discs – DIY Fire Starter

A true survivalist will always look for ways to achieve his or her goals quickly, and with the utmost efficiency. When it comes to starting a fire, fire discs certainly tick the ‘quick and efficient’ boxes!

Of course there are many excellent fire starter options available to you. With fire pistons, survival lighters, waterproof matches, and ferro rods easily available, why bother with fire discs?

Fire discs are a great way to start a fire. They are easy to use, cost next to nothing to make, and work well in all kinds of weather. All you need to do is light the disc and it will start burning.

The discs will burn for about 5 to 15 minutes, depending on the disc size and the number of wax dips. This should be more than enough time to get a fire started.

You can use fire discs to start a fire in a fireplace at home, a campfire, or even a barbecue. Fire discs are also very effective when trying to get a fire going in the rain.

How to Make Fire Discs

Making fire discs couldn’t be simpler. You will need a few simple supplies. First, you will need some wax. You can buy this at most stores, or you can simply use old candles, even coloring crayons will work!

Next, you will need some small cotton discs, the type that many women use for removing makeup. You’ll also need some metal tongs, unless you don’t mind scalding your fingers in hot wax! You can find both of these items in most hardware stores.

Finally, you will need a heat source. This could be a stove, a campfire, or even a candle flame. You could even buy a slow cooker or crock pot from your local thrifty store for the purpose. It wouldn’t be a wasted purchase. Because once you’ve made and used your first batch of fire discs you’ll definitely be making more.

To make the fire discs, start by melting the wax.

  • Warning: Care should always be taken when melting wax. Paraffin wax especially has a relatively low flash point and can ignite if exposed to a naked flame.

Once the wax is melted, you can start to carefully dip each cotton disc. Be sure to completely soak each disc!

After dipping, lay each disc out separately on either some waxed paper or a piece of baking paper. Leave aside for the wax to cool and harden.

Once all the waxed discs have set hard, put them safely away until needed. Store the discs in a waterproof container, Ziploc bags are perfect. Use your fire discs as you would any other fire starter.

The video below gives a basic rundown of the whole process.

So, Why should you make Fire-starter Discs?

Well, there are a few reasons. First, they are simple to make. All you really need is some wax and some cotton discs. Second, they work well in all kinds of weather. They even ignite in the rain! Third, they are a great way to get a fire going quickly. If you need to start a fire fast, then these discs are the way to go. Finally, they are quick and cheap to make and are also extremely effective fire starters!

So, if you are looking for an easy way to start a fire, be sure to give DIY Fire Discs a go!